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Pregnant? Breastfeeding? Pumping? Need some advice on caring for your newborn?

You’re in the right place! Check out available services below!

  • Mother breastfeeding

    Virtual 1:1 Lactation Consultations

    Prenatal & Postpartum! These consultations are great for when you need individualized support with lactation questions or problems. People often wonder if virtual lactation consultations will be effective, and the answer is absolutely! We will dive into what you are struggling with and develop care plans for you to follow after our session. You will have this plan to keep along with other educational resources that pertain to your specific needs.

  • Newborn

    Virtual 1:1 Newborn Care Consultations

    Prenatal & Postpartum! These are great for when you have questions about caring for your newborn. Every family deserves the best education.

    How much should my baby eat at different ages?

    How much weight should they be gaining?

    How can I help soothe my irritable baby?

    These are all good questions that can be addressed during these calls. In the hospital, we see many re-admissions of newborns due to a lack of education on proper care. This consultation will give you the education you need to not only avoid those scenarios but also watch your infant thrive!

Is this right for me?

  • First time parents pregnant with their first baby, parents who feel like they didn’t have a great experience with prior children, or even parents who just want a refresher!

  • Yes! Lactation services are generally covered by FSA. Make sure to ask for a receipt for reimbursement.

  • Yes! Virtual consultations are very effective and can provide accessible healthcare to anybody with a smart phone. It also eliminates the anxiety of leaving your house for yet another appointment after having a baby.

  • Yes! Our HIPAA and privacy-compliant software is set up to protect you in your vulnerable moments.

  • If your issue is urgent, please email We will try to get you scheduled at an earlier time if available.