What people are saying.
From no latching at all to multiple successful breastfeeds!
This client was exclusively pumping for several months with no successful latches. Her baby was refusing the breast and unable to get a good latch despite all her efforts.
A few days after our consultation, she said… “We’ve had a couple successful latches! We had a 7 minute one and a 10 minute one!"
This is the power of lactation consultations. My only wish is that I was able to speak with her sooner.
"Courtney has been there for me through two pregnancies, births, and newborn phases. I’m so happy for her now that she is building a business around infant support because anyone who knows her knows this is something she is super passionate about! This is not just a job for her and you can tell she genuinely cares because in addition to her years of experience as a medical professional, she is constantly educating herself about anything pregnancy/birth/lactation/infant related in her free time! Courtney is a truly compassionate, kind, never judgmental wealth of knowledge, and I don’t know what I would’ve done without her support and answering my questions in the middle of the night."
— Linda
"I have no babies as of right now- so Courtney hasn’t necessarily helped me in MY breastfeeding journey or caring for my infant. But I have been honored to witness first hand how she has helped other mothers in their journeys through LPN clinicals. She is the nurse that I want to be when I am all grown up. I am completing my RN in May with full intent to go into labor and delivery. Watching and learning from her with mothers after birth was truly inspiring. The way she empowers mothers to do what is best for them and their baby has made me love OB. Now any time anyone asks me why I am going into labor and delivery- I get to talk about that one instructor that made me love the aspects in helping mothers in their birthing experience."
— Maddie, RN Student